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Registration at the forum
  Conditions of registration at the forum
Forgotten password
  What you do if you forget your password
Personal Mailbox (PM)
  Using a personal mailbox for personal messages
User preferences and settings
  Change e-mail, avatar, signature, or choose the forum language
Create and view posts

Registration at the forum
You must accept the proposed board agreement, before you register. Please carefully read the agreement before clicking on the "I agree".

If administrator has enabled the e-mail verification you will receive the password to the e-mail box. You can always change this password later in the properties of your profile. If you allowed yourself to enter a password, choose a password unique and consisting of not less than 6 characters

You must enter a correct and valid email address, you cannot continue if the e-mail address is not entered correctly. For example,, @ or similar. You can keep this e-mail address unavailable for the rest users, tick the "Show address E-Mail" on the "No".

Other fields are optional, and you can write as much information about yourself as you want.

Time zone
You can enter the desired time difference on our server. You can use the sign "-" if it is necessary.

You can enter your signature, and it will be added at the end of each message. You can write just 3 lines. You can use special tags ExbbSode, but you cannot use HTML.

Forgotten password
If you forgot your password, you can request it. It will be sent to the mailbox that you entered when registered

Just enter your name and e-mail will be sent immediately. Other users cannot retrieve your password by this method, since the e-mail address is taken from your data in the database.

Personal Mailbox (PM)
Personal message box will allow you to send and receive private messages. They can be read only by the person to whom you send the message, or if you have written only by you.

Send private message
Login into Personal Mailbox by clicking on the link "Personal Mailbox" in the second from the top board menu. Enter your details and click on the button "Send".
Enter the user name you want to write and your message. If smiles are allowed, you will see icons of emotions. Please fill up all fields to send a message.

This box will contain all the messages sent to you. You can read or delete them from here

Sent (Outbox)
Box contains all the messages you send to other users, and reminds that you sent and to whom. You can read or delete them from here.

Please respect other users, and not violate the rules of use of this service.

User preferences and settings
You can change your configuration at any time. Any changes you make will be immediately updated in the database.

Change your e-mail address
If you want to change your email address and administrator of the forum enabled e-mail check, then the new password will be sent to your new e-mail address. After the procedure, you will be informed whether you have received something from this.

Time zone
You can enter the time difference, relatively to time on our server. You can use the sign "-" if necessary.

You can enter your signature, and it will be added at the end of each message. You can enter only 3 lines (all lines will be counted when you hit enter). You can use the tags ExBBode, but you cannot use HTML!!!

Create and view posts
In some sections of the forum to start a new topic or reply to topic, you must be registered.

If you put a mark next question "Do you want to put your signature?", the signature that you entered when registered, will be added at the end of the message. You can edit your signature at any time, changing your configuration. If you change your signature, then immediately it will automatically change in all your messages.

E-mail notifications of replies:
If the Administrator enabled the ability to e-mail notifications of updates, you can put a tick in front of the question "Do you want to be notified by e-mail about replies?" and you will receive notification about updates in the topic.

If the administrator has enabled support for emoticons, you can remove the check mark in front of the question "Do you want to include emoticons in your message?" to prohibit the characters conversion into graphics.

You can preview a message saying "Yes" to the desired location when creating a message. This will allow you to correct errors before the message is added to the database.

You must fill all fields in post, except for description of the topic.
If the administrator has enabled the protection against duplication, you can send the following message only after 30 seconds. This protects the board from the repeated messages and spam.
Click on the "Smiles on" if you want to see which symbols are necessary to enter for add smiles. Click on the "Tags ExBBCode" to open a window with tags.

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